Embracing Life: The Harvest and a New Product
The last couple of weekends we were invited to help with the harvest from our favorite local winery, Hellanback Ranch & Vineyard. We couldn’t resist! It was like picking a live lobster for my meal, right from the tank, except in this case we were picking grapes for our future wine! While we’re not morning people this experience was absolutely worth the effort of being up before dawn on our weekends! We felt like we were actually living in our favorite wine movie, “Bottle Shock”. It was a magical and gorgeous time until the sun rose higher in the sky and kicked in the full heat. However, by the time weather became really warm we were finished with the days harvest. Each day after the harvests our ever gracious hosts, John and Paula, treated us to delicious meals and drinks, including wine and even a whiskey tasting! They also gave us a tour of their beautiful home and John entertained us with our own private concert on an organ so advanced it looks like it was built from a reclaimed space shuttle! So much fun!
After our first picking day we decided to hit up another highly recommended winery, Turtle Rock Ridge. We received a wonderful personal tour of their wine cellar and process and discovered an incredible Sangria! I highly recommend checking them out. Their Sangria is sweet enough to be refreshing, but dry enough to allow the rest of the flavors to jump out. We had so much fun and made some new friends and connections, with fellow pickers, of whom I’ll be blogging about soon!
I also designed and created a brand new product, The Barrel Stave Bottle Opener! We had a great time trying it out with some small gatherings and it was a huge hit! We’re so excited about this new product and the buzz being generated around it is exhilarating! It’s soon to be featured on the store at Tapiture.com and we’re working on some other big connections as well! As more develops I’ll be blogging more about it! Until then Embrace Life! Sláinte!
- The morning briefing and instructions
- Sara, Lucas, and Dan, carefully picking!
- The bounty!
- Destemming the grapes
- Touring John and Paula’s incredible home. I love this handcrafted chandelier
- Hey! I recognize that candle holder! You can purchase your own here. https://www.ofloinndecor.com/shop/table-top-decor/wine-barrel-stave-center-piece-with-votive-candles/
- John cutting loose on the ‘space’ organ!
- Turtle Rocks barrel room
- Our beautiful mom on Sara’s side, Jenna.
- Sara’s creative barrel room shot.
- Successfully testing the 3rd bottle opener prototype!
- The finished product! You can get it here: https://www.ofloinndecor.com/shop/barware/barrel-stave-bottle-opener/